Visualizing the history of The Universe using 13,799 dominoes

Visualizing the history of The Universe using 13,799 dominoes


Science communicator Kurtis Baute living up a 300 meter long row of dominoes to portray a timeline of history from the Enormous Bang to now, with every domino representing 1 million years. It be barely nice that he managed to private every domino, living the total thing up, and efficiently film and listing the total thing himself. It be no longer the roughly thing you would favor to attain extra than one takes of and the truth it worked and he did all of it himself is fat spectacular. Additionally, when I squawk he made every domino I imply he physically made every domino. Admire he supplied a bunch of crawl and cut every particular person portion. The entirely thing I’ve ever been this dedicated to is an asylum, and that became once against my will.

Retain going for the tubby video, on the side of the within the support of the scenes of him making every portion and atmosphere it up.

And right here is a video of this lunatic in fact making and developing every of the domino pieces.

(through TR_Ninja_Broccoli)

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