Nvidia creates AI video compression for video conferencing

Nvidia creates AI video compression for video conferencing


NVIDIA has developed a job of video compression the usage of AI, replacing video codecs with a neural community. In desire to sending a compressed video circulation, their algorithm sends the build of key facial aspects and then surely animates a deepfake of your self on the receiver’s computer. Additionally, their approach can additionally align faces in explain that you are avatar is in truth taking an indication on the person you are video conferencing with as a change of performing to lunge trying off video show on yarn of your digicam and note are not aligned factual.

So obviously I’m replacing my face with Chris Hemsworth on all future Zoom calls on yarn of why would I employ my be pleased face when I’m in a position to employ his face? My female friend already makes me tape a broadcast out describe of him to my face so this feels luxuriate in the following logical step.

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