250-300 kW Fight Lasers Now and Scaling to Megawatts

250-300 kW Fight Lasers Now and Scaling to Megawatts

250-300 kW Fight Lasers Now and Scaling to Megawatts

Brian Wang |
October 24, 2020 |

Fashioned Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) and Boeing are working together to scale 100 kW-class lasers to 250 kW-class High Vitality Laser (HEL) weapon machine to they’ll shoot down missiles and no longer true drones.

The HEL weapon machine will mix GA-EMS’ scalable distributed make laser technology, HELLi-ion battery programs and built-in thermal management with Boeing’s beam director and precision acquisition, tracking and pointing (ATP) utility.

Latest fiber laser technology could be scaled to 300 kilowatts. The brand new machine will spend staunch-explain laser technology and liquid cooling. Cooling gigantic lasers are a huge allotment of the challenge for scaling to elevated energy stages. The liquid cooling and the staunch-explain components will comprise the the same reaction to gentle.

The cooling liquid flows thru channels within the staunch-explain laser topic cloth. The cooling liquid has an actual match for its refractive index. This prevents the lasers from producing heat or sending allotment of the laser energy where it can well additionally simply smooth no longer trot.

In 2015, the Fashioned Atomics 150 kilowatt laser had an energy density of 4 kilograms per kilowatt. This intended the 150 kW laser machine weighed 600 kilograms. Having a lighter machine strategy you’re going to be in a explain to pack extra energy.

It appears like the modular liquid cooled staunch explain laser programs could scale into the megawatt energy fluctuate.

SOURCES – Fashioned Atomics

Written By Brian Wang, Nextbigfuture.com

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