This guy made a neutral accurate searching involving tribute to video games he played as a baby

This guy made a neutral accurate searching involving tribute to video games he played as a baby


Eric Energy involving this gorgeous song video as a tribute to all the video games he played growing up. I’m now not a ample historical fogey so I did now not acknowledge all the Atari titles, but completely different than that his record matches up gorgeous closely with mine. Potentially the most attention-grabbing discrepancy I noticed became once a extreme lack of Jap relationship sims.

Protect going for the fleshy video. It be a song video so clearly works greater with sound.

NES Rap: 99 Lives And A Energy Glove

This is a rap about taking half in oldschool NES games known as The Konami Code (99 Lives And A Energy Glove). It became once made by the same of us who…

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