What if… WandaVision launched the MCU to the X-Men?

What if… WandaVision launched the MCU to the X-Men?

The foremost two episodes (and presumably the rest) are jam packed rotund of clues regarding the capability forward for the Shock Cinematic Universe. If you happen to be taught the comics, you’ll uncover some potentialities for about a of the characters. If you happen to be taught in general any Shock Silly in the latter half of of the yr 1996, you’ll bear in mind a universe-huge series of events that might well well perhaps additionally totally be mirrored right here in 2021 with WandaVision and the fallout after Avengers: Endgame. Nonetheless it obtained’t.

The following comprises some MAJOR spoilers for every WandaVision (gorgeous the foremost two episodes) and your whole sequence of events that comprises and surrounds the Shock Comics entity incessantly called Onslaught. Onslaught exists in Shock Comics and obtained’t likely fashion the crossover to the Shock Cinematic Universe, so while you happen to’re under no circumstances going to be taught the comics, no worries!

Both The Vision (aka Vision) and Wanda Maximoff (Scarlett Witch) grasp skills derived from the Mind Stone. Right here’s undoubtedly one of many Infinity Gemstones – the Infinity Gem that before the whole lot gave existence to Vision.

WandaVision apparently takes convey after Avengers: Endgame and is the foremost of subsequent series of events in the Shock Cinematic Universe (Allotment Four). Right here’s the place we diverge from what Shock Studios likely plans and what I’d like to conception Shock Studios attain.

What’s doubtlessly going to happen

Wanda and Vision will likely realize they’re being manipulated by Mephisto. Mephisto’s name looks to be in a file regarding the Tesseract that looks to be in the foremost Avengers movie. It’s additionally rumored that Mephisto will appear in WandaVision, played by Evan Peters. This is in a position to be the best time to enable Peters to rotten over into the MCU as the very finest version of Quicksilver – but… this rumor makes that belief relatively unlikely.

Wanda and Vision will likely internet away of this reality/phantasm and explode unto the prolonged speed in a capability congruent with that of the 2022 movie Doctor Unfamiliar and the Multiverse of Insanity.

What I’d like to happen instead

I’d like WandaVision to be a pocket reality created by Wanda in the years following Thanos winning relate to snap half of the population of the universe out of existence. Factor in Wanda took a page out of Franklin Richard’s e-book and chanced on a capability to assign that half of of the universe, putting them in this TV-verse – turning into misplaced in said universe in the process.

And since we’re no longer restricted by what’s likely, I’d like THEN for an introduction to the X-Men persona MOJO!

Mojo would catch this pocket universe of half of beings in the universe residing their lives in TV land, and takes up the controls since Wanda’s long previous entirely oblivious. Mojo might well well perhaps additionally then merge the lot with the X-Men Cinematic Universe – which, itself, has been going by plan of timelines and alternate realities aplenty anyway.

Perhaps we’ll internet to conception all this happen in an episode of the screen “What If…?” If nothing else it’d amassed be much less insane than the Shock Silly “What If…” number 34: “What if… No One Became Staring at The Watcher!”

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