Imprint HN: A straightforward CLI tool to generate satellite photos of a jam

Imprint HN: A straightforward CLI tool to generate satellite photos of a jam

Satellite tv for pc imagery for dummies.

Who must composed exercise this tool?

TL;DR: Generate JPEG earth imagery from coordinates/jam title with publicly on hand satellite info.

This tool is for a sentient being who wants to look high-res satellite imagery of earth, without digging by your total nitty gritty geospatial exiguous print of it. So if this is your first time looking to explore how components of the Earth study from home, you are at the correct put apart of abode.

NB: felicette at the most recent convey searches for cloud-quilt < 10%, and does now not constrain results on the root of dates.

One can look Product Roadmap for upcoming capabilities.


felicette is decided by GDAL. However the following steps quilt GDAL’s installation as well.

rio-coloration makes exercise of numpy headers to setup, thus installing numpy and GDAL=={ogrinfo –version} may maybe maybe be ample ahead of installing felicette.


$ sudo add-accurate-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ppa
$ sudo accurate-get change
$ sudo accurate-get install python-numpy gdal-bin libgdal-dev
$ gdal-config --version
activate virtual ambiance $ pip install numpy GDAL==
$ pip install felicette


$ brew install gdal
$ gdal-config --version

activate virtual ambiance $ pip install numpy GDAL==
$ pip install felicette


As pointed out right here, the following docker portray works and is quantity-mapped to the most recent working itemizing.

$ docker bustle -it -v "$PWD"/felicette-info:/root/felicette-info milhouse1337/felicette felicette -l "Montreal"

Thanks @milhouse1337 for the docker-portray.

“Why you no effect a part for Windows?” 😐

rio-coloration, one in every of the felicette’s dependencies is now not always of route on hand on conda ecosystem but. Here is the hyperlink to a exiguous discussion on an installation-instruct. This part may maybe maybe be updated when there is a stable version of felicette for Windows.

Felicette has plans to originate in-home RGB portray enhancement algorithms or exercise imagemagick /[similar tools on conda-forge] for a Windows commence, no longer lower than unless rio-coloration is on hand on conda-forge/conda.


To make exercise of it:

$ felicette --aid
Usage: felicette [OPTIONS]

  Satellite tv for pc imagery for dummies.

  -c, --coordinates FLOAT...  Coordinates in (lon, lat) format. This overrides
                              -l suppose

  -l, --jam-title TEXT    Living title in string format
  -p, --pan-enhancement       Enhance portray with panchromatic band
  -pre, --preview-portray       Preview pre-processed low resolution RGB
                              satellite portray.

  -v, --vegetation            Imprint Color Infrared portray to highlight

  --aid                      Imprint this message and exit.

Felicette can earn and assignment Landsat photos taking the positioning’s enter as (lon, lat) or the positioning title. They’ll be aged within the following manner.

With jam title:

$ felicette -l "Kanyakumari"

With coordinates:

$ felicette -c 77.5385 8.0883

-p option makes exercise of the panchromatic band to enhance portray’s resolution to 15 meters, contrary to resolution of RGB bands(30 meters).
To get the next portray using felicette exercise:

$ felicette -p -c 77.5385 8.0883

-pre option downloads a low-res portray for preview, to examine if the image is price your computation, Community I/O. 🙂

$ felicette -pre -p -c 77.5385 8.0883

-v option generates a CIR portray to highlight vegetation in ‘crimson’ coloration. Relate that, ‘-p’ option is now not always of route taken into consideration whereas producing CIR imagery in felicette.

$ felicette -pre -v -l "Kanyakumari"

Feli.. what?


Félicette modified into once the first cat launched into home, on 18 October 1963. Although she landed abet on earth safely, Félicette modified into once euthanized two months after the commence in roar that scientists may maybe maybe produce a necropsy to gape her mind. She modified into once primarily the most appealing cat to absorb survived spaceflight. Here is a photographs of the mission from the archives.

If you happen to get a satellite imagery using this tool, factor in Félicette took the image for you :))

Preview and examples

Coastal Odisha

Here are some more sample photos generated by felicette.

Here is a hyperlink to the fashioned photos generated with RGB, CIR choices.

Following is a recording of the terminal session recording utilization of felicette.

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