We’re the Starlink team, quiz us anything

We’re the Starlink team, quiz us anything

Hiya there! Few questions, ought to be rather easy. How prolonged turned into this in style before the foremost “announcement” on Twitter and birth of the foremost (60?) satellites? Attain you uncover in regards to the final criticism of light…

Production Oriented Pattern

read All by my profession, I’ve developed some opinions. Some dangle used particularly deep ruts, bolstered by years of journey. I tried to resolve out what these had in frequent, and it’s the root that code in manufacturing is mainly…

Winding down my Debian involvement

Table of contents What does this imply? Why? Alternate job in Debian Fragmented workflow and infrastructure Worn infrastructure: package uploads Worn infrastructure: worm tracker Worn infrastructure: mailing list archives Debian is intriguing to machine-read Subtle invent stack Developer skills quite…