Donald Trump—In His Most in vogue Racist, Sexist Switch—Calls Kamala Harris a ‘Monster’

Donald Trump—In His Most in vogue Racist, Sexist Switch—Calls Kamala Harris a ‘Monster’

President Donald Trump—the one that, factual per week ago, didn’t condemn white supremacists on a nationwide stage—called the Democratic nominee for vp, Senator Kamala Harris, a “monster” twice on Fox Records.

I repeat, Donald Trump—the person who refuses to comply with a virtual presidential debate towards opponent Joe Biden despite having the deadly coronavirus—factual called the first Sad and Asian American lady to ever grab share in a vice presidential debate a “monster.” And, for some purpose, a “communist,” which is counterfeit. 

“This monster that used to be on stage with Mike Pence—who destroyed her last evening, by the vogue—but this monster,” Trump acknowledged whereas calling into Fox Industry on October 8. “I notion that wasn’t even a contest last evening. She used to be awful. I don’t judge that you would possibly perchance also bag worse. And fully unlikable. And she or he is. She’s a communist. She’s left of Bernie [Sanders].”

Donald Trump—who suggested he’s “entitled” to a third period of time as president; who called Mexicans “rapists”; who hosted a monumental, mostly disguise-free match during a world pandemic; who intentionally downplayed the coronavirus, then acknowledged “don’t be shrinking of COVID” after receiving the finest sanatorium treatment this country has available—that man. You know that man. He’s our president. That man called Kamala Harris a “monster.”  

Donald Trump—a misogynist who once acknowledged he would grab  girls folk “by the pussy” and called Hillary Clinton a “horrible lady” during a presidential debate—had the audacity to name Kamala Harris a “monster.” Dangle in tips that after Trump printed his and First Lady Melania Trump’s COVID-19 prognosis, Harris wrote this on Twitter: “Doug [her husband] and I join Joe Biden and Dr. Biden in wishing President Trump and the First Lady a paunchy and rapid restoration. We’re maintaining them and the entire Trump family in our tips.” He called that lady a “monster.” 

Huh…one thing to assume. 

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