Graphcore claims its M2000 AI pc hits 1 petaflop

Graphcore claims its M2000 AI pc hits 1 petaflop

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Graphcore, a U.K.-based fully mostly company establishing accelerators for AI workloads, this morning unveiled the 2nd skills of its Intelligence Processing Objects (IPUs), which is able to soon be made accessible within the company’s M2000 IPU Machine. Graphcore claims this unique GC200 chip will enable the M2000 to supply a petaflop of processing power in an enclosure that measures the width and dimension of a pizza field.

AI accelerators worship the GC200 are a produce of in actuality educated hardware designed to trip up AI applications, in particular synthetic neural networks, deep studying, and machine studying. They’re in most cases multicore in type and address low-precision arithmetic or in-reminiscence computing, every of which may per chance enhance the performance of trim AI algorithms and lead to cutting-edge results in pure language processing, pc imaginative and prescient, and other domains.

The M2000 is powered by four of the unique 7-nanometer GC200 chips, every of which packs 1,472 processor cores (running 8,832 threads) and 59.4 billion transistors on a single die, and it delivers more than 8 cases the processing performance of Graphcore’s sleek IPU products. In benchmark checks, the company claims the four-GC200 M2000 ran an image classification mannequin — Google’s EfficientNet B4 with 88 million parameters — more than 64 cases sooner than an Nvidia V100 -based fully mostly machine and over 16 cases sooner than essentially the newest 7-nanometer graphics card. A single GC200 can lift up to 250 TFLOPS, or one trillion floating-level operations per 2nd.

Graphcore IPU-POD 64

Above: The GC200.

Image Credit rating: Graphcore

Beyond the M2000, Graphcore says possibilities will most likely be in a situation to bag as many as 64,000 GC200 chips for up to 16 exaflops of computing power and petabytes of reminiscence, supporting AI devices with theoretically trillions of parameters. That’s made that you would also contemplate of by Graphcore’s IP-Fabric interconnection skills, which helps low-latency recordsdata transfers up to rates of 2.8Tbps and straight connects with IPU-based fully mostly systems (or by task of Ethernet switches).

The GC200 and M2000 are designed to work with Graphcore’s bespoke Poplar, a graph toolchain optimized for AI and machine studying. It integrates with Google’s TensorFlow framework and the Delivery Neural Network Alternate (an ecosystem for interchangeable AI devices), within the latter’s case providing a fat coaching runtime. Preliminary compatibility with Facebook’s PyTorch arrived in Q4 2019, with fat feature enhance following in early 2020. The most fresh model of Poplar — model 1.2 — introduced alternate reminiscence management substances supposed to take unbiased appropriate thing about the GC200’s extra special hardware and architectural type with respect to reminiscence and recordsdata access.

Graphcore M2000 IPU machine

Above: Graphcore’s M2000 IPU Machine.

Image Credit rating: Graphcore

Graphcore, which modified into founded in 2016 by Simon Knowles and Nigel Toon, has raised over $450 million to this level from Robert Bosch Mission Capital, Samsung, Dell Applied sciences Capital, BMW, Microsoft, and AI luminaries Arm cofounder Hermann Hauser and DeepMind cofounder Demis Hassabis at a $1.95 billion valuation. Its first industrial product modified into a 16-nanometer PCI Categorical card — C2 — that grew to alter into accessible in 2018, and it’s this package that launched on Microsoft Azure in November 2019. (Microsoft is also the utilize of Graphcore’s products internally for various AI initiatives.)

Graphcore GC011 rack

Earlier this year, Graphcore announced the provision of the DSS8440 IPU Server in partnership with Dell and launched Cirrascale IPU-Bare Steel Cloud, an IPU-based fully mostly managed carrier offering from cloud provider Cirrascale. More lately, Graphcore printed some of its other early possibilities — among them Citadel Securities, Carmot Capital, the University of Oxford, J.P. Morgan, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and European search engine company Qwant — and launch-sourced on GitHub libraries for building and executing apps on IPUs.

Graphcore IPU benchmarks

Graphcore may per chance well need momentum on its facet, but it’s purchased competition in a market that’s anticipated to attain $91.18 billion by 2025. In March, Hailo, a startup establishing hardware designed to trip up AI inferencing at the sting, nabbed $60 million in venture capital. California-based fully mostly Mythic has raised $85.2 million to assemble customized get in-reminiscence structure. Mountain Look-based fully mostly Flex Logix in April launched an inference coprocessor it claims delivers up to 10 cases the throughput of sleek silicon. And final November, Esperanto Applied sciences secured $58 million for its 7-nanometer AI chip skills.

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