Managing Dotfiles with GNU Stow

Dotfiles are textual suppose files which might maybe well well be accepted to configure applications you speed on the
repeat line (in a terminal). They’d describe your editor what colours to exercise,
or what ambiance variables must smooth be outlined for your shell.

It is going to be very helpful so that you simply can simply deploy them all the device by a whole lot of machines,
so that the applications you make exercise of behave persistently.

Managing your dotfiles, the sequence of these configuration files, is then a
ravishing ingredient to create.
GitHub even has a net sites dedicated to a quantity of techniques of organising and
deploying them
I unbiased recently adopted what I feel is good technique of doing it, and doesn’t appear to be
that traditional, so I believed I’d fragment what I’m doing, why, and the technique you might maybe most doubtless also
organise your dotfiles in the equivalent technique.

The dotfiles repository 🔗

Let’s converse you might maybe most doubtless in actual fact maintain a machine that you simply exercise most of your time on, nonetheless
infrequently you login in to just a few server someplace.
For your local machine, you’ve bought a series dotfiles sitting for your private dwelling
directory, esteem ~/.bashrc, nonetheless they’re no longer on the server. What can you create?

A in reality traditional technique is to originate a git repository, converse in a folder known as
~/.dotfiles, after which to originate symbolic links (or ‘symlinks’) from the
files in the repository to your dwelling directory.
Having the folder be a git repository makes it very straight forward to synchronise the
files between machines.

Let’s originate the git repository and add a dummy dotfile.

$ mkdir ~/.dotfiles

$ cd ~/.dotfiles

$ git init .

$ echo "Here's a dotfile." > mydotfile

$ git add mydotfile

$ git commit -m "Compose dotfiles repository"

Now now we maintain a repository and a dotfile within it, we unbiased maintain to originate the
symbolic link.

$ cd ~

$ ln -s .dotfiles/mydotfile .mydotfile

$ ls -la | grep mydotfile

lrwxr-xr-x 1 apearce workers 19 12 Feb 17: 05 .mydotfile -> .dotfiles/mydotfile

The final observe repeat presentations that now we maintain a symbolic link known as .mydotfile
pointing to the file in the dotfiles repository. We are in a position to be aware and edit the
link as if it had been the staunch file, nonetheless if we delete the link the staunch file
stays as it was as soon as.

Here’s essence of a dotfiles repository. But, as you might maybe most doubtless also imagine, manually
linking dotfiles quickly turns into laborious and error-prone. One solution is to
originate a script that links the files for you, nonetheless I feel there’s a better technique.

GNU stow 🔗

GNU stow, or simply stow, is a symbolic link manager. To cite their

GNU Stow is a symlink farm manager which takes certain packages of instrument
and/or records located in separate directories on the filesystem, and makes them
appear to be installed in the equivalent space.

I didn’t perceive what this supposed when I first read it. I feel it’s fully
explained with an example.

Let’s converse we’re inner our ~/.dotfiles folder, nonetheless now we’ve added some files
and restructured it unbiased a little.
We are in a position to exercise the tree repeat to recursively existing the contents of the
directory as tree-esteem development in disagreeable textual suppose. (It’s no longer installed on OS X by
default, nonetheless you simply install it with Homebrew with brew install tree.) The -a flag tells tree to level hidden files.

$ tree -a ~/.dotfiles


├── bash

│ ├── .bashrc

│ └── .profile

└── vim

└── .vimrc

Now we’ve bought some staunch dotfiles: a pair for the Bash shell, and one for
vim, the editor.

We might maybe well most doubtless symlink these to our dwelling directory in the equivalent technique as sooner than, or we
might maybe well most doubtless let stow create it for us!

$ cd ~/.dotfiles

$ stow vim

Now let’s take a behold at what’s in our dwelling directory.

$ ls -la ~ | grep vimrc

lrwxr-xr-x 1 apearce workers 20 7 Jan 12: 35 .vimrc -> .dotfiles/vim/.vimrc

Stow has created the symlink for us! Magic. So what’s in actuality occurring?

  1. We ran the repeat stow , where was as soon as the name of a folder
    whose whole contents we wished symbolic links for in our dwelling directory.
  2. Stow looked in the folder , the vim/ folder on this case, and stumbled on
    one file: .vimrc
  3. Stow created a symbolic link to vim/.vimrc one folder above where the
    stow repeat was as soon as speed.

The final observe step is the cold bit. Stow assumes that the contents of the

you specify must smooth live one directory above where the stow repeat is speed,
so having our .dotfiles directory at ~/.dotfiles technique the exercise of stow to
put collectively our dotfiles unbiased works.

A little deeper 🔗

The contemporary motive of stow was as soon as to withhold a watch on a whole lot of instrument versions. Let’s
converse you might maybe most doubtless even maintain some piece of instrument known as foo with which every so regularly you obtain to maintain
to exercise version 1.3, and each so regularly you obtain to maintain to exercise version 2.0.

Most shells will comprise /usr/local/bin in their PATH, a variable that
tells the shell where to behold for applications. It is probably going you’ll most doubtless unbiased put two applications,
foo1.3 and foo2.0 in that folder, nonetheless you don’t desire to maintain to you have to no doubt
speed foo1.3 or foo2.0. You simply desire to speed foo, and you don’t desire to
maintain to change scripts that exercise foo, so that you simply create something cold.

$ mkdir /usr/local/stow

$ cd /usr/local/stow

$ mkdir -p foo1.3/bin

$ mkdir -p foo2.0/bin

$ mv /usr/local/bin/foo1.3 foo1.3/bin/foo

$ mv /usr/local/bin/foo2.0 foo2.0/bin/foo

Now must you obtain to maintain to launch the exercise of foo1.3, you unbiased exercise stow to set up some
symbolic links.

$ cd /usr/local/stow

$ stow foo1.3

$ ls -la /usr/local/bin | grep foo

lrwxr-xr-x 1 apearce workers 20 7 Jan 12: 35 foo -> ../stow/foo1.3/bin/foo

Survey that now we maintain a directory development contained in the foo1.3 folder, and stow
will admire that development when making the symbolic link.

Here’s helpful must you might maybe most doubtless even maintain an utility that uses the XDG configuration
files accepted
, where configuration files for foo are kept in
~/.config/foo/somefile, on legend of then your dotfiles repository uses the equivalent
folder development as for your private dwelling directory.

$ tree -a ~/.dotfiles


├── bash

│ ├── .bashrc

│ └── .profile

├── foo

│ └── .config

│ └── foo

│ └── somefile

└── vim

└── .vimrc

Running stow foo contained in the dotfiles folder will then originate a symbolic link
at ~/.config/foo/somefile, growing any intermediate directories that don’t
exist already.

Even as you obtain to maintain to delete a set of symbolic links, unbiased speed stow -D


Wrapping up 🔗

Stow is a ravishing technique to withhold a watch on a dotfiles folder.
Even as you might maybe esteem a more concrete example of the exercise of stow, you might maybe most doubtless also test out my
dotfiles repository on GitHub

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