Shooting an AK-103 till it catches fire

Shooting an AK-103 till it catches fire


It is a video of a Russian lunatic firing an AK-103 till it catches fire. And then he, uh, proceeds to fireside some extra. The craziest part is that this used to be build out by the Kalashnikov Yelp, the particular manufacturer of the AK-103. I suggest, props to the Russians for risking their workers’ lives for the sake of demonstrating how refined their products are. I don’t win in thoughts myself an overly cautious person, but gazing the man constantly bash the gun to reload because it used to be jamming due to being on fire gave me fright. Why not include the room with knives even as it’s possible you’ll well maybe be at it?

Attach going for the corpulent video. The ingredient catches fire at 5: 20 and the video is 18 minutes long even as you’d like an belief of how far they purchase it.

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