Zen stones naturally placed atop pedestals of ice: A phenomenon in the smash understood

Zen stones naturally placed atop pedestals of ice: A phenomenon in the smash understood

Zen stones naturally placed atop pedestals of ice: a phenomenon finally understood
A laboratory reproduction of the Zen stone phenomenon in a lyophilizer. Credit: © Nicolas Taberlet / Nicolas Plihon

Love a piece of art enshrined in a museum, some stones pause up on a pedestal of ice in nature, with out a human intervention. This “Zen stone” phenomenon, named after the stacked stones in Eastern gardens, looks on the bottom of frozen lakes, Lake Baikal (Russia) namely. These buildings result from the phenomenon of sublimation, which causes a body, on this case ice, to trade from solid to gaseous originate without the intermediary originate of a liquid.

This was as soon as no longer too long in the past demonstrated by researchers from the CNRS and l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, who reproduced the phenomenon in the laboratory.

They showed that the shade created by the stone hinders the that sublimates the ice, thereby sculpting the pedestal. This overview has helped converse to light and perceive a rare phenomenon of sublimation within a pure context on Earth.

It was as soon as published in the journal PNAS at some level of the week of 27 September 2021.

A video of the phenomenon reproduced in the laboratory:

Credit: CNRS

Extra records:
Sublimation-pushed morphogenesis of Zen stones on ice surfaces, PNAS (2021). DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2109107118

Zen stones naturally placed atop pedestals of ice: A phenomenon in the smash understood (2021, September 27)
retrieved 27 September 2021
from https://phys.org/info/2021-09-zen-stones-naturally-atop-pedestals.html

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